ADYSTRAIN: Train the Trainers for the Dyslexic Work World

About the project:


Dyslexia, a difficulty in reading and writing, is often thought of as a problem of childhood. In fact it is a lifelong condition. Dyslexia affects 1 in 10 of the population. Experts estimated that up to 25 million workers in Europe are affected by dyslexia. Dyslexia in the adulthood means a lifetime of under-achievement, frustration and often unemployment.


It can be said that the awareness to problems of dyslexic employees is very low European wide. Trainers are not aware of dyslexic person needs at their working places. Trainers do not recognise their needs while preparing training materials or providing courses. Managers and employers are not informed about dyslexia; therefore they do not care about special attention on their needs and loose the advantages having persons in their companies and organisation who think different.


The European Disability Policy now requires all employers to take account of and address the needs of dyslexic people in their workforce. Therefore the project `s aim is to contribute to the build up awareness and understanding on dyslexia in adulthood.


More: >> http://www.adystrain.project-platform.eu/


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