ART MADE MAN: Through Art therapies and Handicraft

About the project:


Art Made Man through art therapies and handicraft is a project funded with the support of the Grundtvig Programme of the European Commission. It arises from different concerns:

1. The social and economic marginalization faced by the “weakest part” of the population of the countries involved.

2. The dependent position of disabled people due to a physical or a psychological deficiency, and of the dependent migrants due to the lack of cultural identity and reference points in the new environment.


It is in this context that AMM has identified as direct beneficiaries: Those who live on the margins of the society and of the labor market, a strategic objective of the European Union and an economic and social priority.


Aiming at enhancing:

Their Professional and Transversal competences.

Their Interpersonal Relations

The acquisition of practical-operative competences through an innovative methodology that integrates dance movement, art therapy and craft.


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